/* cluster.c - chan_ss7 clustering/redundancy * * Copyright (C) 2006, Sifira A/S. * * Author: Anders Baekgaard * * This file is part of chan_ss7. * * chan_ss7 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * chan_ss7 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with chan_ss7; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "asterisk/options.h" #include "asterisk/logger.h" #include "asterisk/config.h" #include "asterisk/sched.h" #include "asterisk/utils.h" #include "asterisk/cli.h" #include "asterisk/lock.h" #include "asterisk/channel.h" #include "astversion.h" #include "config.h" #include "lffifo.h" #include "utils.h" #include "mtp.h" #include "cluster.h" /* Delay between cluster thread wakeups. */ #define CLUSTER_WAKEUP_INTERVAL 500 #define CLUSTER_KEEP_ALIVE_INTERVAL 500 #define CLUSTER_ALIVE_TIMEOUT 1000 #define CLUSTER_CONNECT_RETRY_INTERVAL 2000 #define CLUSTER_CONNECT_TIMEOUT 10000 static int receivepipe[2] = {-1, -1}; static struct lffifo *receivebuf; static struct sched_context *cluster_sched = NULL; static pthread_t cluster_thread = AST_PTHREADT_NULL; static int cluster_running = 0; static struct receiver_stat { struct { int connected; int inprogress; int fails; /* statistics */ unsigned long forwards; /* statistics */ int fd; struct timeval lasttry; int reported; } target[2*MAX_HOSTS]; } receiver_stats[MAX_LINKS_PER_HOST]; int n_accepted = 0; static struct { int fd; struct in_addr addr; int senderix; } accepted[2*MAX_HOSTS+2]; static int receiver_socket = -1; static enum{FD_PIPE, FD_LISTEN, FD_ACCEPTED, FD_RECEIVER, FD_INPROGRESS } fds_type[2*MAX_HOSTS+2]; int n_fds = 0; static struct pollfd fds[2*MAX_HOSTS+2]; static struct receiver fds_receivers[2*MAX_HOSTS+2]; static int fds_targetix[2*MAX_HOSTS+2]; static int rebuild_fds = 1; int n_senders = 0; static struct { struct host* host; struct in_addr addr; int hostix; struct timeval last; alivestate state; int up; int down; } senders[2*MAX_HOSTS]; static struct timeval host_last_event_stamp[MAX_HOSTS] = {{0, 0}, }; static unsigned long host_last_seq_no[MAX_HOSTS] = {0, }; static struct timeval now; static unsigned long sequence_number = 0; static void disconnect_receiver(struct receiver* receiver, int targetix); void (*isup_event_handler)(struct mtp_event*) = NULL; void (*isup_block_handler)(struct link*) = NULL; static void set_socket_opt(int s, int l, int o, int v) { int err; int len = sizeof(v); if ((err = setsockopt(s, l, o, &v, len)) < 0) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Cannot set socket option, %s\n", strerror(errno)); } } static void declare_host_state(struct host* host, alivestate state) { if (host->state != state) { host->state = state; if (state == STATE_DEAD) { int i; int receiverix, targetix; for (receiverix = 0; receiverix < this_host->n_receivers; receiverix++) { struct receiver* receiver = &this_host->receivers[receiverix]; for (targetix = 0; targetix < receiver->n_targets; targetix++) { if (receiver->targets[targetix].host == host) disconnect_receiver(receiver, targetix); } } if (isup_block_handler) { for (i = 0; i < host->n_spans; i++) { struct link* link = host->spans[i].link; if (link->enabled) (*isup_block_handler)(link); } } ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "No alive signal from %s, assumed down.\n", host->name); } else if (state == STATE_ALIVE) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Alive signal from %s, now up.\n", host->name); } } } static int find_sender(struct host* host, struct in_addr addr) { int i; for (i = 0; i < n_senders; i++) if ((senders[i].host == host) && (memcmp(&senders[i].addr, &addr, sizeof(addr)) == 0)) return i; return -1; } static void add_sender(struct host* host, struct in_addr addr, int hostix) { if (find_sender(host, addr) != -1) { ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Cluster has multiple identical entries: host %s %s\n", host->name, inaddr2s(addr)); return; } senders[n_senders].host = host; senders[n_senders].hostix = hostix; senders[n_senders].addr = addr; senders[n_senders].last.tv_sec = 0; senders[n_senders].last.tv_usec = 0; senders[n_senders].state = STATE_UNKNOWN; senders[n_senders].up = 0; senders[n_senders].down = 0; ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Added host %s %s, hostix %d, id %d\n", host->name, inaddr2s(addr), senders[n_senders].hostix, n_senders); n_senders++; } static void set_sender_last(int senderix, struct timeval last) { struct host* host = senders[senderix].host; senders[senderix].last = last; if (senders[senderix].state != STATE_ALIVE) { senders[senderix].up += 1; ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Alive signal from %s %s\n", senders[senderix].host->name, inaddr2s(senders[senderix].addr)); } senders[senderix].state = STATE_ALIVE; host_last_event_stamp[senders[senderix].hostix] = last; declare_host_state(host, STATE_ALIVE); } static void check_senders(void) { int i; int hostix = 0; struct host* host; for (i = 0; i < n_senders; i++) { int tdiff = timediff_msec(now, senders[i].last); if ((tdiff > CLUSTER_ALIVE_TIMEOUT) && (senders[i].state == STATE_ALIVE)) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "No alive signal from %s %s, for %d msec\n", senders[i].host->name, inaddr2s(senders[i].addr), tdiff); senders[i].state = STATE_DEAD; senders[i].down += 1; } } while ((host = lookup_host_by_id(hostix)) != NULL) { if (host != this_host) { int alive = 0; int dead = 0; for (i = 0; i < n_senders; i++) { if (senders[i].host == host) { alive = alive || (senders[i].state == STATE_ALIVE); dead = dead || (senders[i].state == STATE_DEAD); } } if (dead && !alive) { int tdiff = timediff_msec(now, host_last_event_stamp[hostix]); if (tdiff > CLUSTER_ALIVE_TIMEOUT) { declare_host_state(host, STATE_DEAD); } } } hostix++; } } static void cluster_put(int linkix, unsigned char* buf, int len) { int res = 0; if (!cluster_running) return; res = lffifo_put(receivebuf, (unsigned char *)buf, len); if(res) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Cluster receive buffer full, packet lost.\n"); /* Todo FIFO full ... */ } else { res = write(receivepipe[1], &linkix, sizeof(linkix)); if (res < 0) { ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Could not write cluster event pipe: %s.\n", strerror(errno)); } } } void cluster_mtp_received(struct link* link, struct mtp_event* event) { if (!cluster_running || !this_host->n_receivers) return; ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "cluster mtp received on link '%s', typ=%d\n", link ? link->name : "?", event->typ); cluster_put(link ? link->linkix : -1, (unsigned char *)event, sizeof(*event) + event->len); } void cluster_mtp_sent(struct link* link, struct mtp_req* req) { if (!cluster_running || !this_host->n_receivers) return; ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "cluster mtp sent on link '%s', typ=%d\n", link ? link->name : "?", req->typ); cluster_put(link ? link->linkix : -1, (unsigned char *)req, sizeof(*req) + req->len); } void cluster_mtp_forward(struct mtp_req* req) { int typ = req->typ; struct link* link = req->isup.link; if (!cluster_running) return; ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "cluster mtp forward, link %s, typ=%d, len=%d\n", link ? link->name : "?", req->typ, req->len); req->typ = MTP_REQ_ISUP_FORWARD; cluster_put(link ? link->linkix : -1, (unsigned char *)req, sizeof(*req) + req->len); req->typ = typ; } int cluster_receivers_alive(struct linkset* linkset) { int i, j; if (this_host->has_signalling_receivers) { for (i = 0; i < this_host->n_receivers; i++) { for (j = 0; j < this_host->receivers[i].n_targets; j++) { struct host* host = this_host->receivers[i].targets[j].host; int l; if (host->state != STATE_ALIVE) continue; for (l = 0; l < host->n_spans; l++) { struct link* link = host->spans[l].link; if (link->schannel >= 0) return 1; } } } } return 0; } static int setup_receiver_socket(void) { struct sockaddr_in sock; in_addr_t addr = INADDR_ANY; memset(&sock, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); sock.sin_family = AF_INET; sock.sin_port = htons(clusterlistenport); memcpy(&sock.sin_addr, &addr, sizeof(addr)); receiver_socket = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (receiver_socket < 0) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Cannot create receiver socket, errno=%d: %s\n", errno, strerror(errno)); return -1; } set_socket_opt(receiver_socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1); if (bind(receiver_socket, &sock, sizeof(sock)) < 0) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Cannot bind receiver socket, errno=%d: %s\n", errno, strerror(errno)); close(receiver_socket); receiver_socket = -1; return -1; } if (listen(receiver_socket, MAX_HOSTS) < 0) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Cannot listen on receiver socket, errno=%d: %s\n", errno, strerror(errno)); close(receiver_socket); receiver_socket = -1; return -1; } return 0; } static void disconnect_receiver(struct receiver* receiver, int targetix) { struct receiver_stat* receiver_stat = &receiver_stats[receiver->receiverix]; if (receiver_stat->target[targetix].connected || receiver_stat->target[targetix].inprogress) { ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Disconnect receiver %s %d\n", receiver->targets[targetix].host->name, targetix); if (receiver_stat->target[targetix].fd != -1) { close(receiver_stat->target[targetix].fd); receiver_stat->target[targetix].fd = -1; } receiver_stat->target[targetix].connected = 0; receiver_stat->target[targetix].inprogress = 0; receiver_stat->target[targetix].fails += 1; } } static void connect_receiver(int receiverix, int targetix) { struct sockaddr_in sock; struct in_addr addr = this_host->receivers[receiverix].targets[targetix].inf->addr; char* host_name = this_host->receivers[receiverix].targets[targetix].host->name; int s; int flags; int res; receiver_stats[receiverix].target[targetix].fd = -1; receiver_stats[receiverix].target[targetix].connected = 0; receiver_stats[receiverix].target[targetix].inprogress = 0; gettimeofday(&receiver_stats[receiverix].target[targetix].lasttry, NULL); s = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (s < 0) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Cannot create receiver socket, errno=%d: %s\n", errno, strerror(errno)); return; } memset(&sock, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); sock.sin_family = AF_INET; sock.sin_port = htons(clusterlistenport); memcpy(&sock.sin_addr, &addr, sizeof(addr)); res = fcntl(s, F_GETFL); if(res < 0) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "SS7: Could not obtain flags for socket fd: %s.\n", strerror(errno)); return; } flags = res | O_NONBLOCK; res = fcntl(s, F_SETFL, flags); if(res < 0) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "SS7: Could not set socket fd non-blocking: %s.\n", strerror(errno)); return; } ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Trying to connect to %s %s\n", host_name, inaddr2s(sock.sin_addr)); if (connect(s, &sock, sizeof(sock)) < 0) { if (errno != EINPROGRESS) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Cannot connect receiver socket %s, %s\n", inaddr2s(sock.sin_addr), strerror(errno)); close(s); return; } // set_socket_opt(s, SOL_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, 1); } receiver_stats[receiverix].target[targetix].fd = s; receiver_stats[receiverix].target[targetix].inprogress = 1; } static void connect_receivers(void) { int receiverix, targetix; for (receiverix = 0; receiverix < this_host->n_receivers; receiverix++) { for (targetix = 0; targetix < this_host->receivers[receiverix].n_targets; targetix++) { connect_receiver(receiverix, targetix); } } } static int check_receiver_connections(void) { int receiverix, targetix; int any = 0; for (receiverix = 0; receiverix < this_host->n_receivers; receiverix++) { for (targetix = 0; targetix < this_host->receivers[receiverix].n_targets; targetix++) { int tdiff = timediff_msec(now, receiver_stats[receiverix].target[targetix].lasttry); if (!receiver_stats[receiverix].target[targetix].connected && !receiver_stats[receiverix].target[targetix].inprogress) { if (tdiff > CLUSTER_CONNECT_RETRY_INTERVAL) { any++; connect_receiver(receiverix, targetix); } } else if (receiver_stats[receiverix].target[targetix].inprogress) { if (tdiff > CLUSTER_CONNECT_TIMEOUT) { close(receiver_stats[receiverix].target[targetix].fd); receiver_stats[receiverix].target[targetix].inprogress = 0; any++; ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Timed out on receiver connection to %s, receiverix %d targetix %d, tdiff %d\n", inaddr2s(this_host->receivers[receiverix].targets[targetix].inf->addr), receiverix, targetix, tdiff); } } } } return any; } static void cluster_send_packet(struct receiver* receiver, int targetix, unsigned char* buf, int len) { int res; struct receiver_stat* receiver_stat = &receiver_stats[receiver->receiverix]; // ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "send packet %s, targetix %d, connected %d\n", receiver->targets[targetix].host->name, targetix, receiver_stat->target[targetix].connected); if (receiver_stats[receiver->receiverix].target[targetix].connected) { gettimeofday(&receiver_stat->target[targetix].lasttry, NULL); res = write(receiver_stat->target[targetix].fd, buf, len); if (res < 0) { close(receiver_stat->target[targetix].fd); receiver_stat->target[targetix].connected = 0; receiver_stat->target[targetix].fails += 1; rebuild_fds = 1; ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Write socket to host '%s' target %d, errno=%d: %s\n", receiver->targets[targetix].host->name, targetix, errno, strerror(errno)); } } } static void cluster_send_packets(struct receiver* receiver, unsigned char* buf, int len) { int targetix, firstsendix = -1; struct mtp_event* event = (struct mtp_event*) buf; struct receiver_stat* receiver_stat = &receiver_stats[receiver->receiverix]; event->seq_no = sequence_number++; for (targetix = 0; targetix < receiver->n_targets; targetix++) { ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "send packets %s, targetix %d, connected %d\n", receiver->targets[targetix].host->name, targetix, receiver_stat->target[targetix].connected); if (receiver_stat->target[targetix].connected) { if (firstsendix == -1) firstsendix = targetix; if ((event->typ != MTP_REQ_ISUP_FORWARD) || ((event->typ == MTP_REQ_ISUP_FORWARD) && /* Only one other host should forward ISUP packet */ (receiver->targets[targetix].host == receiver->targets[firstsendix].host))) if (event->typ == MTP_REQ_ISUP_FORWARD) receiver_stat->target[targetix].forwards += 1; cluster_send_packet(receiver, targetix, buf, len); } } } static void cluster_send_keep_alive(void) { struct mtp_event event; int receiverix, targetix; event.typ = MTP_EVENT_ALIVE; event.len = 0; event.seq_no = sequence_number++; for (receiverix = 0; receiverix < this_host->n_receivers; receiverix++) { for (targetix = 0; targetix < this_host->receivers[receiverix].n_targets; targetix++) { int tdiff = timediff_msec(now, receiver_stats[receiverix].target[targetix].lasttry); if (tdiff > CLUSTER_KEEP_ALIVE_INTERVAL) cluster_send_packet(&this_host->receivers[receiverix], targetix, (char*) &event, sizeof(event)); } } } static int find_next_timeout(void) { int receiverix, targetix; int maxwait = CLUSTER_KEEP_ALIVE_INTERVAL; for (receiverix = 0; receiverix < this_host->n_receivers; receiverix++) { for (targetix = 0; targetix < this_host->receivers[receiverix].n_targets; targetix++) { if (receiver_stats[receiverix].target[targetix].connected) { int tdiff = timediff_msec(now, receiver_stats[receiverix].target[targetix].lasttry); int wait = CLUSTER_KEEP_ALIVE_INTERVAL - tdiff; if (wait < maxwait) maxwait = wait; } } } if (maxwait < 0) maxwait = 0; return maxwait; } static int cluster_receive_packet(int senderix, int fd) { int res; int hostix = senders[senderix].hostix; char buf[MTP_EVENT_MAX_SIZE]; struct mtp_event* event = (struct mtp_event*) &buf; struct mtp_req* req = (struct mtp_req*) &buf; int sz = sizeof(event->typ); res = read(fd, buf, sz); if (res <= 0) { ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Could not read received packet: %s.\n", strerror(errno)); return -1; } else if (res == 0) { ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Received 0 bytes, closing socket: %s.\n", strerror(errno)); shutdown(fd, SHUT_RDWR); return -1; } if (event->typ < MTP_EVENT_ALIVE) { res = read(fd, &buf[sz], sizeof(*req)-sz); if (res > 0) res = read(fd, req->buf, req->len); // ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Received mtp req %d, buff len %d, res %d\n", req->typ, req->len, res); } else { res = read(fd, &buf[sz], sizeof(*event)-sz); if (res > 0) res = read(fd, event->buf, event->len); } if (host_last_seq_no[hostix] >= event->seq_no) { return 0; } host_last_seq_no[hostix] = event->seq_no; if (res > 0) { ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Received event, senderix=%d, hostix=%d, lastseq=%ld, seqno=%ld, typ=%d\n", senderix, hostix, host_last_seq_no[hostix], event->seq_no, event->typ); if ((event->typ == MTP_EVENT_ISUP) || (event->typ == MTP_REQ_ISUP_FORWARD)) { if (isup_event_handler) (*isup_event_handler)(event); } } if (res < 0) ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Could not read received packet: %s.\n", strerror(errno)); return res; } static void *cluster_thread_main(void *data) { int i, j; int res; fds[0].fd = receivepipe[0]; fds[0].events = POLLIN; fds_type[0] = FD_PIPE; fds[1].fd = receiver_socket; if (receiver_socket > 0) fds[1].events = POLLIN; else fds[1].events = 0; fds_type[1] = FD_LISTEN; ast_verbose(VERBOSE_PREFIX_3 "Starting cluster thread, pid=%d.\n", getpid()); while (cluster_running) { int timeout; int maxtimeout; gettimeofday(&now, NULL); timeout = ast_sched_wait(cluster_sched); maxtimeout = find_next_timeout(); if(timeout <= 0 || timeout > CLUSTER_WAKEUP_INTERVAL) { timeout = CLUSTER_WAKEUP_INTERVAL; } if (timeout > maxtimeout) timeout = maxtimeout; if (rebuild_fds) { n_fds = 2; for (i = 0; i < n_accepted; i++) { fds[n_fds].fd = accepted[i].fd; fds[n_fds].events = POLLIN|POLLERR|POLLHUP; fds_type[n_fds++] = FD_ACCEPTED; } for (i = 0; i < this_host->n_receivers; i++) { for (j = 0; j < this_host->receivers[i].n_targets; j++) { fds_receivers[n_fds] = this_host->receivers[i]; fds_targetix[n_fds] = j; if (receiver_stats[i].target[j].connected) { fds[n_fds].fd = receiver_stats[i].target[j].fd; fds[n_fds].events = POLLERR|POLLHUP; fds_type[n_fds++] = FD_RECEIVER; } else if (receiver_stats[i].target[j].inprogress) { fds[n_fds].fd = receiver_stats[i].target[j].fd; fds[n_fds].events = POLLOUT|POLLERR|POLLHUP; fds_type[n_fds++] = FD_INPROGRESS; } } } rebuild_fds = 0; } res = poll(fds, n_fds, timeout); gettimeofday(&now, NULL); if(res < 0) { if(errno == EINTR) { /* Just try again. */ } else { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "poll() failure, errno=%d: %s\n", errno, strerror(errno)); } } else if(res > 0) { for (i = 0; i < n_fds; i++) { if(!(fds[i].revents & (POLLERR|POLLNVAL|POLLHUP|POLLIN|POLLOUT))) continue; switch (fds_type[i]) { case FD_PIPE: { if(fds[i].revents & POLLIN) { int linkix; unsigned char fifobuf[1024]; struct mtp_req* req = (struct mtp_req*) &fifobuf; res = read(fds[i].fd, &linkix, sizeof(linkix)); if (res < 0) { ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Could not read cluster event pipe: %s.\n", strerror(errno)); continue; } if ((res = lffifo_get(receivebuf, fifobuf, sizeof(fifobuf))) != 0) { if(res < 0) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Got oversize packet in cluster receive buffer.\n"); continue; } } ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "fifo get res %d, typ %d, linkix %d, link %s\n", res, req->typ, linkix, links[linkix].name); if (res > 0) { if ((req->typ == MTP_REQ_ISUP) || (req->typ == MTP_REQ_ISUP_FORWARD) || (req->typ == MTP_EVENT_ISUP)) { if (links[linkix].receiver) { cluster_send_packets(links[linkix].receiver, fifobuf, res); } else { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "No way to send packet to cluster, link='%s', reqtype=%d\n", links[linkix].name, req->typ); } } } } break; } case FD_LISTEN: { if(fds[i].revents & POLLIN) { struct sockaddr_in from_addr; unsigned int len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); int afd = accept(receiver_socket, (struct sockaddr *)&from_addr, &len); if (afd != -1) { struct host* host = lookup_host_by_addr(from_addr.sin_addr); if (host) { int senderix = find_sender(host, from_addr.sin_addr); if (senderix >= 0) { set_sender_last(senderix, now); accepted[n_accepted].fd = afd; accepted[n_accepted].addr = from_addr.sin_addr; accepted[n_accepted++].senderix = senderix; rebuild_fds = 1; host_last_seq_no[senders[senderix].hostix] = 0; } else { ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Got socket connection from unexpected sender %s %s\n", host->name, inaddr2s(from_addr.sin_addr)); } } ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Accepted socket connection from %s, fd %d\n", host?host->name : "unknown", afd); } else { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Accept of receiver connection failed: %s.\n", strerror(errno)); } break; } } case FD_ACCEPTED: { int ix = i - 2; int err = 0; if(fds[i].revents & POLLIN) { err = cluster_receive_packet(accepted[ix].senderix, fds[i].fd); set_sender_last(accepted[ix].senderix, now); } if((err == -1) || (fds[i].revents & (POLLERR|POLLNVAL))) { int error; unsigned int len = sizeof(error); getsockopt(fds[i].fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &error, &len); ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Got error on accepted socket: %d %s\n", i, strerror(error)); close(fds[i].fd); for (j = ix; j < n_accepted-1; j++) accepted[j] = accepted[j+1]; n_accepted--; rebuild_fds = 1; } break; } case FD_RECEIVER: case FD_INPROGRESS: { struct receiver* receiver = &fds_receivers[i]; struct receiver_stat* receiver_stat = &receiver_stats[receiver->receiverix]; int targetix = fds_targetix[i]; char* host_name = receiver->targets[targetix].host->name; char* if_name = receiver->targets[targetix].inf->name; rebuild_fds = 1; if(fds[i].revents & (POLLERR|POLLNVAL)) { if (receiver_stat->target[targetix].reported++ % 100 == 0) { int error; unsigned int len = sizeof(error); getsockopt(fds[i].fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &error, &len); ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Socket connection failed to host: %s, inf %s, addr %s, error: %s\n", host_name, if_name, inaddr2s(receiver->targets[targetix].inf->addr), strerror(error)); } disconnect_receiver(receiver, targetix); } else if(fds[i].revents & (POLLHUP)) { ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Lost connection to receiver host: %s, inf %s, addr %s\n", host_name, if_name, inaddr2s(receiver->targets[targetix].inf->addr)); disconnect_receiver(receiver, targetix); } else if(fds[i].revents & (POLLIN|POLLOUT)) { ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Connected to receiver host: %s, inf %s, addr %s \n", host_name, if_name, inaddr2s(receiver->targets[targetix].inf->addr)); receiver_stat->target[targetix].connected = 1; receiver_stat->target[targetix].inprogress = 0; receiver_stat->target[targetix].reported = 0; } } break; } } } cluster_send_keep_alive(); if (check_receiver_connections()) rebuild_fds = 1; check_senders(); } return NULL; } static void build_sender_list(void) { int hostix = 0; struct host* host = NULL; while ((host = lookup_host_by_id(hostix)) != NULL) { if (host != this_host) { int linkix, targetix; for (linkix = 0; linkix < host->n_receivers; linkix++) { for (targetix = 0; targetix < host->receivers[linkix].n_targets; targetix++) { if (host->receivers[linkix].targets[targetix].host == this_host) { int j; for (j = 0; j < host->n_ifs; j++) { add_sender(host, host->ifs[j].addr, hostix); } } } } } hostix++; } if (!n_senders) { ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Found no senders to supervise\n"); } } static void wait_for_connections(void) { int cnt; int linkix, targetix; for (cnt = 0; cnt < 800; cnt++) { int n = 0, c = 0; for (linkix = 0; linkix < this_host->n_receivers; linkix++) { for (targetix = 0; targetix < this_host->receivers[linkix].n_targets; targetix++) { c += 1; if (receiver_stats[linkix].target[targetix].connected) n += 1; } } if (cnt % 100 == 0) ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "wait %d %d %d %d\n", n, c, n_accepted, n_senders); if ((n == c) && (n_accepted == n_senders)) break; usleep(10*1000); } } int cluster_init(void (*isup_event_handler_callback)(struct mtp_event*), void (*isup_block_handler_callback)(struct link*)) { int i, j; int res; int flags; struct sched_param sp; isup_event_handler = isup_event_handler_callback; isup_block_handler = isup_block_handler_callback; build_sender_list(); for (i = 0; i < this_host->n_receivers; i++) { for (j = 0; j < this_host->receivers[i].n_targets; j++) { receiver_stats[i].target[j].fd = -1; receiver_stats[i].target[j].connected = 0; receiver_stats[i].target[j].inprogress = 0; receiver_stats[i].target[j].reported = 0; } } for (i = 0; i < this_host->n_receivers; i++) { for (j = 0; j < this_host->receivers[i].n_targets; j++) { struct host* host = this_host->receivers[i].targets[j].host; int l; for (l = 0; l < host->n_spans; l++) { struct link* link = host->spans[l].link; if (link->schannel >= 0) this_host->has_signalling_receivers = 1; } } } if (this_host->has_signalling_receivers) if (setup_receiver_socket()) goto fail; connect_receivers(); receivepipe[0] = receivepipe[1] = -1; receivebuf = lffifo_alloc(200000); res = pipe(receivepipe); if(res < 0) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Unable to allocate cluster event pipe: %s.\n", strerror(errno)); goto fail; } res = fcntl(receivepipe[0], F_GETFL); if(res < 0) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Could not obtain flags for read end of " "cluster event pipe: %s.\n", strerror(errno)); goto fail; } flags = res | O_NONBLOCK; res = fcntl(receivepipe[0], F_SETFL, flags); if(res < 0) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Could not set read end of cluster event pipe " "non-blocking: %s.\n", strerror(errno)); goto fail; } res = fcntl(receivepipe[1], F_GETFL); if(res < 0) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Could not obtain flags for write end of " "cluster event pipe: %s.\n", strerror(errno)); goto fail; } flags = res | O_NONBLOCK; res = fcntl(receivepipe[1], F_SETFL, flags); if(res < 0) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Could not set write end of cluster event pipe " "non-blocking: %s.\n", strerror(errno)); goto fail; } cluster_sched = sched_context_create(); if(cluster_sched == NULL) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Unable to create cluster scheduling context.\n"); goto fail; } cluster_running = 1; /* Otherwise there is a race, and cluster may exit immediately */ if(ast_pthread_create(&cluster_thread, NULL, cluster_thread_main, NULL) < 0) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Unable to start cluster thread.\n"); cluster_running = 0; goto fail; } memset(&sp, 0, sizeof(sp)); sp.sched_priority = 10; res = pthread_setschedparam(cluster_thread, SCHED_RR, &sp); if(res != 0) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to set cluster thread to realtime priority: %s.\n", strerror(res)); } wait_for_connections(); return 0; fail: cluster_cleanup(); return -1; } void cluster_cleanup(void) { int i, j; if(cluster_running) { cluster_running = 0; /* Monitor wakes up periodically, so no need to signal it explicitly. */ pthread_join(cluster_thread, NULL); } if(cluster_sched) { sched_context_destroy(cluster_sched); cluster_sched = NULL; } if(receivebuf) { lffifo_free(receivebuf); receivebuf = NULL; } if(receivepipe[0] != -1) { close(receivepipe[0]); receivepipe[0] = -1; } if(receivepipe[1] != -1) { close(receivepipe[1]); receivepipe[1] = -1; } if (receiver_socket != -1) { shutdown(receiver_socket, SHUT_RDWR); close(receiver_socket); receiver_socket = -1; } for (i = 0; i < n_accepted; i++) { shutdown(accepted[i].fd, SHUT_RDWR); close(accepted[i].fd); } n_accepted = 0; if (this_host) { for (i = 0; i < this_host->n_receivers; i++) { for (j = 0; j < this_host->receivers[i].n_targets; j++) { if (receiver_stats[i].target[j].connected || receiver_stats[i].target[j].inprogress) { shutdown(receiver_stats[i].target[j].fd, SHUT_RDWR); close(receiver_stats[i].target[j].fd); receiver_stats[i].target[j].connected = 0; receiver_stats[i].target[j].inprogress = 0; } } } } n_senders = 0; } int cmd_cluster_start(int fd, int argc, char *argv[]) { if (!cluster_running) return cluster_init(isup_event_handler, isup_block_handler); return 0; } int cmd_cluster_stop(int fd, int argc, char *argv[]) { if (cluster_running) cluster_cleanup(); return 0; } int cmd_cluster_status(int fd, int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; int linkix, targetix; gettimeofday(&now, NULL); for (i = 0; i < n_senders; i++) { int tdiff = timediff_msec(now, senders[i].last); char* s = ""; switch (senders[i].state) { case STATE_UNKNOWN: s = "unknown"; tdiff = 0; break; case STATE_ALIVE: s = "alive"; break; case STATE_DEAD: s = "dead"; break; } ast_cli(fd, "sender %s, addr %s, state %s, last %d msec, up %d, down %d\n", senders[i].host->name, inaddr2s(senders[i].addr), s, tdiff, senders[i].up, senders[i].down); } for (linkix = 0; linkix < this_host->n_receivers; linkix++) { for (targetix = 0; targetix < this_host->receivers[linkix].n_targets; targetix++) { char* if_name = this_host->receivers[linkix].targets[targetix].inf->name; char* host_name = this_host->receivers[linkix].targets[targetix].host->name; struct in_addr addr = this_host->receivers[linkix].targets[targetix].inf->addr; char* c = (receiver_stats[linkix].target[targetix].connected) ? "connected" : ""; char* p = (receiver_stats[linkix].target[targetix].inprogress) ? "inprogress" : ""; int tdiff = timediff_msec(now, receiver_stats[linkix].target[targetix].lasttry); ast_cli(fd, "receiver %s if %s, addr %s, c:%s, p:%s, last try %d msec, %d fails, %lu forwards\n", host_name, if_name, inaddr2s(addr), c, p, tdiff, receiver_stats[linkix].target[targetix].fails, receiver_stats[linkix].target[targetix].forwards); } } return 0; }